Politics and Political Alterity in the Spanish NO-DOs of 1968


  • Danae Gallo González Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen




1968, alterity, dictatorship, Franco, political, politics


NO-DO is the official name of the Spanish state newsreels, an acronym formed by the abbreviation of Noticiarios (News) and Documentales (Documentaries). In contrast to cinema newsreels in other occidental countries, NO-DO is closely associated with Franco’s dictatorship (1939–1975). Created by Franco’s propaganda ministry in 1943, NO-DO reels were shown until 1981, just a few years after Franco’s death in 1975. The aim of this paper is to analyze Spanish newsreels’ modes of representation of politics and of political alterity in Mouffe’s sense. It seeks to examine how NO-DO portrays the political antagonism that facilitated the Francoist regime’s construction of its own identity. In order to do so, the paper firsts draw a genealogy of this genre in Spain and frames it within the context of 1968. Second, it presents an overview of the contents and the modes of representations of the newsreels during this year, later focusing on the timeframe from May to August. The goal is to examine the medial strategies used by the newsreel genre to deal with political Others lurking within and beyond Spain’s borders.

Author Biography

  • Danae Gallo González, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen

    Dr. Danae Gallo González is research associate in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures and Literatures at the Institut für Romanistik (JLU Giessen). Her work has focused on gender and queer studies and exilic life writing in contemporary Spain, and on cultural memory on the Spanish Civil War, Franco’s dictatorship, and the Spanish transition to democracy in various media. Her book, ¡Recuerda! Scribo ergo sum(-us): La escritura del yo de los exiliados politicos de la Guerra Civil en la Argelia colonial, is forthcoming from Iberoamericana Vervuert. She has also lead interdisciplinary research groups working on the concepts of identity and alterity at the International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture. She is currently interested in the politics of (auto-)representation of colored bodies in contemporary audiovisual products of Brazil and the Hispanic and Francophone Caribbean.



