and the One-Dollar-Game

How Distribution Platforms Affect the Ontology of (Games as) a Medium

  • Stefan Werning Utrecht University, Netherlands
Keywords: game distribution, media ontology, platformization, comparative content analysis, software affordances


The article at hand outlines formal and media ontological implications of digital distribution by analyzing how independent game publishing platform enabled ‘the one-dollar game’ as an emergent form of cultural expression. Production studies, particularly with reference to film, have investigated how new modes of production have shaped emergent genres and forms like chase scenes and location shooting; this article makes a similar case for distribution modalities. For that purpose, studies and creators’ accounts on the distribution of literature (Carr, 2015), film (Meusy, 2002) and music (Anderton 2019) are adapted. Characteristic software affordances of are analyzed to determine how the platform frames the selling and advertising of ‘disposable’ games. A corpus of almost 300 one-dollar games was compiled by scraping the website. Through a comparative content analysis, several unique microgenres, most of which can only feasibly exist within this product category, as well as performative and simulational aspects of game publishing are studied. The findings are related to ongoing debates about the ontology of (digital) games, thereby connecting the material-semiotic notion of platformization (Helmond, 2015) to cultural production.

Author Biography

Stefan Werning, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Stefan Werning is an Associate Professor for Digital Media and Game Studies at Utrecht University, where he co-coordinates the focus area Game Research and organizes the annual Game Research summer school. He obtained his PhD in media studies (2010) at Bonn University (Germany) and received his venia legendi at Bayreuth University (Germany) in 2015. Stefan has been a visiting scholar (2005) and fellow (2006–2010) at the program in Comparative Media Studies at MIT. Moreover, he has worked in the digital games industry while completing his PhD research, most notably at Codemasters (2005) and Nintendo of Europe (2007–09).
