Marginality as a Space of Freedom

Some Notes on the Popularity of Naïve Art Among Soviet Painters in the 1960s and 1970s

  • Vera Otdelnova State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow
Keywords: 1968, naïve art, Socialist Realism, Soviet painting

Author Biography

Vera Otdelnova, State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow

Vera Otdelnova is a PhD Student at the State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, and is working on doctoral research dedicated to the union of visual arts of Moscow in the 1960s and 1970s. She investigates institutional practices of Socialist Realism, particularly such problems as the relationship between the artist and the state in the USSR, the forms of their collaboration, and the different strategies that helped artists to escape from state control. Otdelnova has published scientific articles in Russian and international peer-reviewed volumes.
