Curating as Research

  • Raul Gschrey Goethe-University Frankfurt
Keywords: methodology, material culture, visual culture, curating, ethnography

Author Biography

Raul Gschrey, Goethe-University Frankfurt

As artist, curator, and scholar, Raul Gschrey investigates socially and politically relevant topics in a multifaceted way. In recent years, he has examined the phenomenon of visual surveillance and explored artistic subversions. He is co-curator of the Frankfurt video gallery “con[SPACE],” which focuses on urban space. His long-term exhibition and publication project “grenzlinien”/“borderlines” deals with irregular migration in a European context. He teaches at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in the Master program “Performative Künste in Sozialen Feldern”/“Performative Arts in Social Fields” and is working on his PhD thesis at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) and Internationales Promotionsprogramm (IPP) in Giessen, Germany.
