The Show Must Go On? – Governing Coming Catastrophes Through Resilience

  • Amina Nolte Institut für Soziologie, Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen/ GCSC


In Das Sicherheitsdispositiv der Resilienz: Katastrophische Risiken und die Biopolitik vitaler Systeme, Andreas Folkers examines three fields of contemporary security-practices: German disaster control after 9/11, the protection of vital systems and critical infrastructures, and operative continuity-management. In how far, Folkers asks, does resilience function as a technology of rule and normative model for past and present security-practices. In identifying and exposing resilience as a security-dispositif, Folkers offers an insightful diagnosis of contemporary societies, the scope of which goes well beyond Germany and speaks to current debates in the field of critical security studies.

How to Cite
Nolte, Amina. 2019. “The Show Must Go On? – Governing Coming Catastrophes Through Resilience”. KULT_online, no. 57 (January).