About the Journal

In order to provide doctoral students with ample opportunities to publish and enhance their writing skills at a very early stage in their careers, the Gießener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK) established its own interdisciplinary online review journal, KULT_online. The journal was launched in 2003 and, due to its great success and popularity, has become a model for other graduate publication media in Germany.

KULT_online appears once each semester and features reviews of books that are related to the broad field of the study of culture and have been published within the last two years. Of course, all doctoral and postdoctoral students are cordially invited to contribute! An advisory board of professors from different faculties further guarantees the quality of the reviews.

ISSN: 1868-2855


Open Access Policy

KULT_online is an open access journal, published under a Creative Commons license (Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 Deutschland). All published articles may be reused under the conditions of the license, particularly for commercial purposes and through editing the article. (license, human-readable summary). All authors (have) permitted the publication under the above mentioned license. There is no copyright transfer towards KULT_online.

All reviews published in issues 1-49 of KULT_online are freely available online and protected by the German Copyright Law.

All authors are encouraged to deposit their contributions in other archives or repositories. Please contact the editors for any further information.


Archiving Policy

All contributions and PDF's are long-term archived via OJS and referenced through DOI's. KULT_online aims at being archived by the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek), including all full-text PDF's.


Publication Fees

Publishing in KULT_online is generally free for all authors. KULT_online does not make use of article processing charges (APCs).



KULT_online is indexed in BASEPKP Index, EBSCO, and referenced via DOI's. Please check for updates anytime soon.


Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Horst Carl (History, Early Modern Age)

Prof. Dr. Helga Finter (Theater Studies, Media Studies)

Prof. Dr. Herbert Grabes † (English and American Literary Studies)

Prof. Dr. Barbara Holland-Cunz (Political Science, Women's Studies)

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Rieger (Romance Philology / Literary Studies)

Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender (Slavic Philology / Linguistics)