Film and Body: A Different Introduction to Film Theory

  • Regine Leitenstern


“What is the relation between film and the audience’s body?” On the basis of this question, Thomas Elsaesser and Malte Hagener introduce the reader to a unique view of film theory. The authors consult classic and modern theorists, draw from both canonised and relatively unknown texts, and show by means of numerous examples how film theory and practical film work are related. The chapters, which are given titles such as “eye and gaze”, “skin and contact”, and “ear and sound”, cover such topics as the spectator’s distanced view with regard to the on-screen action, to the idea that film can impress the viewing public on a fundamental and profoundly emotional level.

How to Cite
Leitenstern, Regine. 2009. “Film and Body: A Different Introduction to Film Theory”. KULT_online, no. 19 (April).