Unity in Variety: The Potential of "Generations"

  • Stephanie Nickel


With the essay collection Generationen: Zur Relevanz eines wissenschaftlichen Grundbegriffs (Generations: The Relevance of a Basic Scientific Concept), editors Ulrike Jureit and Michael Wildt revisit a discussion that has been active since Karl Mannheim's time and has become particularly relevant today. The discussion has served as the basis for the Göttinger post-graduate programme "generation histories", multi-family public housing units, the media's continual creation of new "generations" ... and for this very volume. Despite a common theoretical canon, the contributions differ markedly in approach, theme, and focus. The chapters are painstakingly structured and named, but this initial orientation is quickly undermined by the essays' great diversity. Beginning with an historical perspective before branching out into other academic fields, the volume encompasses a depth of themes and research approaches that is inspiring, but unsuited to readers who are seeking cut-and-dried definitions or an interdisciplinary gloss.

How to Cite
Nickel, Stephanie. 2008. “Unity in Variety: The Potential of "Generations"”. KULT_online, no. 17 (October). https://doi.org/10.22029/ko.2008.407.