Material Culture Research: The Object as Neglected Source in the Historiographical Discourse

  • Cathérine Annette Ludwig-Ockenfels Historisches Seminar - Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, JLU Gießen


The anthology Objekte als Quellen der historischen Kulturwissenschaften: Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung, edited by Annette C. Cremer and Martin Mulsow gives an overview of research that uses the material turn as methodology in early modern history. The different ways of medial recognition of the object in the creation of knowledge are shown in cross-epochal examples. This interdisciplinary publication serves well as an introduction to the material turn, as well as a suggestion to further discuss its potential in the discipline of History in Germany.

How to Cite
Ludwig-Ockenfels, Cathérine Annette. 2019. “Material Culture Research: The Object As Neglected Source in the Historiographical Discourse”. KULT_online, no. 59 (July).