The White Man’s Burden? How to Come to Terms With Whiteness as Identity Category

  • Robert A. Winkler


In White Self-Criticality beyond Anti-Racism George Yancy, scholar of the philosophy of race, further develops his insights into the nature of being white, and hence being a white problem for all those not sharing this privileged identity category. By assembling fourteen white scholars in the field of critical whiteness studies, this volume provides a critical perspective on the unfinished project of and ongoing personal struggles with forging an anti-racist white identity. Furthermore, this essay collection delineates thought-provoking analytical approaches to dismantling white privilege in the academy and beyond.

How to Cite
Winkler, Robert A. 2016. “The White Man’s Burden? How to Come to Terms With Whiteness As Identity Category”. KULT_online, no. 48 (October).